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SPC - Composition 1

SPC - Composition 1 is a year-long course students can take to earn college credit in composition. In composition 1 we develop our own writing theory that we can employ in classes outside of composition 1. We develop this theory as we compose in the following units: literacy narrative, rhetorical analysis, illustrating writers' processes, research/argument annotated bibliography, research/argument proposal, research/argument paper, discourse community and three audiences, and theory of writing. 

We begin the year by analyzing a fund of knowledge we have, a skill or idea we learned naturally in our lives, and learning how we entered that discourse community. We then think about how we can enter the discourse community of a composition classroom. Finally, we develop a theory of how we can enter other discourse communities outside of the composition classroom. 

This class offers direct instruction, peer feedback, instructor feedback, group discussions, and class discussions. We will read from Wardle and Downs Writing about Writing: A College Reader and John Stuart Mill's second chapter of On Liberty. We also read select readings about writing--most of which are in Writing about Writing.

SPC - Composition 1 Syllabus

Assignment 1 - Literacy Narrative

Assignment 2 - Rhetorical Analysis

Assignment 3 - Illustrating Writers' Processes

Assignment 4 - Research/Argument Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Assignment 5 - Research/Argument Paper

Assignment 6 - Discourse Community and Three Audiences

Assignment 7 - Theory of Writing

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