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Otto, Lucy

Ms. Lucy Otto

Lucy Otto

Hello and welcome to the English 12 page! My name is Lucy Otto, and this is my eighth year at Washington. In addition to teaching English 12, I teach CIS (College in the Schools) Intro to Literature through the U of MN.  I am also one of the Senior Class Advisors along with Mr. See Yang.  I love exploring material that ranges from media studies to Shakespeare, and looking at our curriculum from the many different perspectives that students bring to the classroom. I am also excited to continue growing our school spirit, culture, and community through the development of our Senior Class Council, and the many events and field trips we organize during the year.

A little more about me…I grew up in St. Paul and am a proud product of its public schools.  After graduating from St. Paul Central, I obtained my B.A. in English from the University of Minnesota: Twin Cities, and later my teaching license and M.A. from the University of St. Thomas.  Outside of school I love to read, garden, go to movies, and go out to eat with friends.  I am looking forward to a great year!


If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at: