Johnson, Kari
Ms. Kahri Johnson is a 12th grade math teacher who earned her B.S. in Mathematics from North Park University in Chicago, IL and her Masters in Teaching from Hamline University in Saint Paul, MN. She lives in Saint Paul and in her free time, she enjoys yoga, running, landscaping, and watching TV.
She teaches College Readiness Math and CIS Basic and Applied Statistics (College in the Schools). Students in her CIS Stats class are dually enrolled at both Washington and the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for a 3 credit class. She loves math and she loves to teach students!
She is also the Middle School Debate Coach. MS Debate is a 5/10 class that meets during 3rd quarter but there are several evening debates in which the participants compete.
You can contact me by email (preferred) or phone: or 651-744-1536
Room 1630, Office 1654
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays - 11:30-12:30
Tuesdays - Purple 12:30-1:20 OR Gold 9:00-9:50
Fridays - office hours during your math class!
Log in to your student portal to check your grades. Use s and your lunch number plus your azz password.