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Boulton, Tami

Mrs Boutlon


Mrs. Boulton is Minnesota born, raised, and educated. She graduated from the College of St. Scholastica with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathemcatics and her teaching credential, and Ashford University with a Master of Arts Degree in Education. 

Mrs. Boulton has been teaching high school math since 1998.  She started her career in Southern California, and after a few years, came home.  She taught in the town she grew up in for a year, then came to her senses, and came to work for St. Paul Schools.  Mrs. Boulton worked at Arlington for 8 years, until it closed, and then came to Washington.  She and her husband live in St. Paul, along with their 4 cats.  If you want a couple, please let her know.  She will gladly give you a couple of cats FREE.  Seriously. 


When not teaching math, or being the High School Student Council Co-Advisor, Mrs. Boulton can probably be found watching MN Wild Hockey or NASCAR.  She also loves to read, garden, bake and travel.


Contact her  at:

Classroom Phone:  651-744-1478
