Greetings wonderful Washington Students and Families!
Welcome to my website. This is my sixth year teaching math at Washington Technology Magnet. Before that, I worked here at Washington as an Educational Assistant for five years in the English Language Learners (ELL) classroom. This year, I teach ELL High School Algebra 1, ELL Middle School Pre-Algebra, and Math Support during Period 5/10 to help students catch up in their regular math classes. Let me mention some of my background. I am an immigrant citizen. I am originally from Myanmar (also known as Burma), and I grew up in a refugee camp along the Thai-Burma border. In 2008, my family moved to Saint Paul, Minnesota. I completed my undergraduate degree in Grade 5-12 Mathematics Education and graduate degree in Educational Technology. I always see myself as a life long learner and I am always looking to grow personally and professionally. When I am not teaching, I love to travel during my summer vacations. I also enjoy going to the movie theater and spending time with my family. Although starting a new life in a new country is difficult, with education, I believe we can pursue all of our dreams. We may not be able to bring back yesterday, but we can make a difference tomorrow. I encourage you all to contact me if you have any questions or concerns this year. The best way to communicate with me is via email. THANK YOU!
Contact Information:
Phone: 651-744-1442
Email: lucas.blesser@spps.org